The Gardener
Santa Clara, CA 95051
every once in awhile to my delight
I am right
then things change again
Tabitha doesn't care what I write
so long as it sounds right
but how would she know
should you read this?
salt ponds are a consideration
salt of the earth distilled by solar energy
no fumes and good for anyone who sweats a lot
but not good for hypertension
a conundrum
less work, less salt, less income
which leads back to higher blood pressure
is this right?
well then
orange by George!
ask me no favors
and I'll tell you no lies
perhaps a new entertainment
people on suspension bridges are relaxed with laughter
but still
dare look over the edge?
see the glistening river
hear the raging waters
and that person poised on the ledge
helicopters overhead capture it for the evening news
life is so complicated
a phrase will dismiss it
dare write it?
the sky glistens with lightning and hail stones
dismiss it?
let us return to Mugwudget Hollow
toads singing after rain
as happens here in the ex-estuary
but this year dry throats croak
though the Budweiser frogs are cheerful
yes, beer is good
now we're talking serious consequences
and peanuts, if you please
though it will be hard to convince New York
so the truck is still running
gazanias love the freaky weather
juniper recovering
Rosie caught a mouse and brought it into the living room
and it hid beneath the lawn chair cushions
taken in ahead of possible rain
Rosie doesn't care what I write
the compound eye presages AT&T multiview
watch it all at once
take the vision and run
though chocolate chip cookies intervene
blocking unbiased viewing
which is a matter of definition
pixels and all that
chocolate chip cookies are the court jesters
making the news more easily chewed
punctuated by nervous revisions to Obama's Waterloo
and of course none of this eases the pain
in streets
or deserted hearts
or the circumscription of normal expectations
climate change the spoiler
side shows on Oakland streets
and dying bees
possibilities of nuclear cybernation percolating
in Patriot prisons
forget habeas corpus
and especially the corporate corpus
AUM . . .
or perhaps, Um
as noticeable as salt ponds on the bay
or the expanse of Moffett Field
on any day not shrouded in fog
in which citizens may imagine as they wish
perhaps a glistening string of red glass beaded jewels
in comfort do the chains of gold leave no trace
as the ponds evaporate and gold becomes radioactive
the chains become traceable and burdensome
remember when bumper stickers would change the world?
it has all disappeared
who put this pen in my hand?
who grows the lawns I mow?
who reads this?
I challenge you, Beethoven
parallel fifths on stilts
violins at fifty paces
on the parade ground at dawn
we will see the workings of fate accomplished
Wagner, you'll just have to wait your turn
quilted monarch butterflies will engulf us
playing thimbles and wash boards
I think my Fuji stick will beat a drum
let's wish, don't you think
that behind brick towers
a blue haze lingers
overseen by shadowed trees
and stack towers to articulate
fragrance of the river as it meanders
granite hill tops ring
doves fluttering
truly, steel belted radial tires insulate
the paid up traveler
from road scum
and the lightning and the sting
of invalidated credit
drones twittering
and then from the kitchen
Susan calls
want a piece of apple pie?
well after all
with the house painting finished
I did put the screen door back up
which raises one of those metaphysical things
who put the screwdriver in my hand?
a symposium with flying banners
marks the way
Tibetan refugees point towards the golden arches
Taco Bell, Wendy's, Indian fast food
it's all there for the hungry pilgrim
temples built with 2X4s sheathed in sheet rock
painted bright red, yellow, green
golden fries with red ketchup or yellow mustard
drive through, speak into the microphone
it will be delivered down at the end of the line
menu sutras weld together
fries and soy sauce
all in a stone's throw
in our front yard a spider patiently weaves a miracle
roses grow with water saved from yesteryear
tofu for breakfast
ancestors in a shady nook are watched patiently
by red light cameras that do not take bribes
a truly egalitarian procession that rivals
small town parades on the fourth of July
with local horse women and bakers
three men twittering in a tub while watching severe weather on TV
why not enjoy a mug of Oktober Fest to celebrate
a season that never really happened
a world no one really sees
a place familiar to everyone
the prow of our ship has settled in
Tabitha actually makes way
we are ready for whatever may bring
a clasp of language frittering
perhaps a dream
that no cat could ever follow
but for now, simply getting warm will suffice
or take us down the rabbit hole
to a world of hookah smoking caterpillars
in a board room with power point displays
that wouldn't fit on this page
warm blooded beings
seeking warmth
and lacking that
no dreams
she does not contemplate the monster storm
as Thanksgiving travel plans turn to nightmares
perhaps waking a few million infrequent fliers
to the realization
that all is not giblets and gravy
flights canceled
cars crashing on ice
giving Obama care new significance
and what is really happening?
we'll listen to some jazz on the radio
earphones sufficient for both of us
then sleep
under thick layers of covers
is on the radar
here in god's eye
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The Gardener
Santa Clara, CA 95051